Australian taxpayers are estimated to have made over $600 million in profits from this policy idea.
Australian individual taxpayers can also lodge their return online with the ATO's e-tax software or through an online tax agent.
The cost of the failed project to the Australian taxpayer was $150 million.
Gillard said in a statement that the men's actions had been "unacceptable and will ultimately be costly to the Australian taxpayer".
Gillard stated that the cost of retrieving the activists would be borne by the Australian taxpayers.
Those credits can then be used by shareholders who are Australian taxpayers, the same as dividends from an Australian company.
Note that it is only Australian franking credits which can be used by an Australian taxpayer.
Is it a good use of Australian taxpayers' money to subsidize so much unprofitable or destructive land use?
The cost of the Iraq war to Australian taxpayers is estimated to have exceeded A$3 billion.
Instead, Australian taxpayers pay a levy of 1.5% on top of their income tax to help fund government administered health care.