As for Aunt Tillie in Nebraska, the impact is fuzzier.
That, in part, is because it isn't entirely clear how much Aunt Tillie benefited from the small-order system in the first place.
It's hard to say whether Aunt Tillie pays more, less or the same.
As for minor figures, the book includes so many that Ms. Rule seems to be mentioning everyone and his Aunt Tillie.
And because she does succeed in digging up sordid true stories that are surpassingly strange, there is even a real Aunt Tillie to be found.
While she was tugging it on, her Aunt Tillie brought in warm water from the boiler and filled the tin pitcher.
They left the house by the kitchen door at seven o'clock, and then Anna helped her Aunt Tillie get the breakfast for the younger ones.
I can remember even now, after almost forty years, the smell of my Aunt Tillie's hair after she had taken a shampoo.
Your Aunt Tillie is safe from Big Brother's prying eyes.
"I don't believe it was your Aunt Tillie," she said.