However, things went to pot when Aunt Agatha came down to stay and the plot was uncovered.
Aunt Agatha has been described as "the best image of the dialoguing philosopher".
There in seven words you have a complete character sketch of my Aunt Agatha.
Aunt Agatha's worship of the family name amounts to an obsession.
Your Aunt Agatha would be happy to have you stay with us.
The cruel Aunt Agatha does everything in her power to get rid of the twins.
Aunt Agatha did not answer at once because the light had not yet dawned.
There would be no tobogganing or skating at his Aunt Agatha's, he knew that.
"I must telephone to your Aunt Agatha at once," she said.
When Aunt Agatha sits down to the piano she makes quite enough noise for two people.