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This will be based on a two and a half day assessment centre.
He tells him to go back to the assessment centre before it is too late.
However, you might also consider testing them using, for example, an assessment centre.
The former women's section then became the prisoner assessment centre.
The next day, Trevor leaves the assessment centre, to get a job.
Fortunately I was able to go to a rehabilitation and assessment centre for two weeks.
She now feels much better prepared for the assessment centre she is going on later in the year.
A review of these arrangements would be held in the assessment centre after a suitably short period.
They reach the assessment centre late and have to be let in by the janitor, since Peter cannot find his keys.
During 2012-13 25,000 participants were asked to attend an assessment centre to repeat the initial measurements.
Trevor discards the sandwich and walks into the assessment centre.
At fourteen, Tony got on well with his peer group and had settled quickly into the assessment centre routine.
Inside the assessment centre, Trevor refuses to co-operate and give a reasonable answer.
Gardner became an assessment centre for prospective students.
The big four accountancy firms conduct assessment centre days to recruit their trainees.
A one day assessment centre in February/March 2012.
We may refer you to an assessment centre for advice on the equipment you may need.
If successful at the assessment centre, candidates are then made a conditional offer to join Teach First.
If successful you will then be invited to attend an assessment centre which will test a number of core competences.
If you are successful in the application stage, you will be invited to attend an Assessment Centre.
Candidates who pass the Assessment Centre will be offered a position using a 'top-down' approach.
Your performance at the Assessment Centre against the core competencies will determine whether or not you will be offered a post.
In light of Tony's learning difficulties, Tony was to attend the assessment centre two evenings a week for help with basic reading and writing.
On the drive back to the assessment centre, Peter informs Trevor that he was up against professional racers, did well.
So I was taken into care again, went to an assessment centre and ended up in an approved school for girls in Hertfordshire.
This will be based on a two and a half day assessment centre.
Workers in the assessment centers would also try to determine whether the person had no other place to stay.
Their county already had one of the few juvenile assessment centers in the country.
He tells him to go back to the assessment centre before it is too late.
However, you might also consider testing them using, for example, an assessment centre.
"And the assessment center is where the hanky-panky could take place."
Test stands have been under way at several assessment centers in Britain since 1986.
The former women's section then became the prisoner assessment centre.
He instituted new programs, including an assessment center, a computer lab and a work experience program.
The next day, Trevor leaves the assessment centre, to get a job.
Fortunately I was able to go to a rehabilitation and assessment centre for two weeks.
Another option would be to send teachers to assessment centers, put them in front of students and see how they fare.
Hospitals' clinical teaching building also have a nursing skills and training assessment center.
At the assessment center, a doctor prescribed medicine for his bronchitis.
These often involve testing, assessment centers, and even psychological interviews.
A number of victim assistance and assessment centers were established in particular border areas.
They have to take part in a standardized admission test before being possibly invited to the assessment center.
If you are unable to pay in full, you should call the voluntary assessment center.
The college opened a new Educational Wing, including an assessment center, in 2012.
Assessment centres will be approved to offer the awards from April.
It also calls for an outside contractor to design and carry out a new promotion assessment center to replace the current office.
She now feels much better prepared for the assessment centre she is going on later in the year.
A review of these arrangements would be held in the assessment centre after a suitably short period.
The county has one of the few juvenile assessment centers in the country, a modern program for handling young offenders.
Trainees who went through a behavioral modeling program did much better in assessment centers.