"Angels," a dance piece choreographed and performed by Cindi Lee; other dancers will also perform.
Stealing Angels perform their single Paper Heart in the Better studios....
Angel performs many different types of stunts and illusions on the program such as street magic, levitation, and setting himself on fire.
Throughout the group's history the Angels have performed for millions of people as they sang in over 30 foreign countries, starting with their first official tour to Romania.
Meanwhile, at a nightclub, Omar, Angel, Dizzy and Stretch perform in a small rock band.
The Angels performed 11 songs at the concert, which were released as an album, "Live at Narara".
Incidentally All Angels performed at the Festival of Remembrance (2006).
Angels and Airwaves performed at the end of the show.
Feeling sorry for Buffy, Angel performs a spell that he hopes will make the pressures of life easier on her.
"And what wonders can Angel perform?"