After the American takeover of the city in 1804 the name was changed to North "A" Street.
Soon after the American takeover, the 1849 Gold Rush brought floods of prospectors.
The culture is male, public school machismo---bad enough, but compounded by the American takeover of the City during my time.
E is for embed - a journalist placed in a military unit during the American takeover of Iraq to cover its activities.
As a result, Okinawan gradually ceased to be written entirely until the American takeover in 1945.
Quite rightly and rationally, many American takeovers in the 1980s were driven by these theories.
De Gaulle was much concerned that an American takeover of the French administration would just provoke a communist uprising.
American takeovers, he said, are governed by Federal and state law.
Initially, there was a great uproar over American investments and fear of an American takeover.
After the American takeover, the city council authorized spending of $20,000 for a contractor to build a substantial wooden bridge across the river.