The Republican Congress regards many Administration initiatives as just a starting point in budget negotiations.
Another Administration initiative, the proposed expansion of NATO, was supposed to really get the emotions going in Washington this year.
This argument is also being advanced in the context of the "clipper chip," another Administration initiative that lives right next door.
He unveiled an Administration initiative to combat the city's problem.
While promoting issues related to Administration initiatives, they provide targeted training programs, employee development, shared resources, and local community outreach and participation.
The President announced three Administration initiatives for the cities.
Auto industry officials had been fretting about both issues for months, and they have already begun lobbying Congress to block both Administration initiatives.
These issues include Administration initiatives in education, in the environment and in resolving the expected computer problem in 2000.
It expects to sign similar agreements with 15 other states this year, as part of a two-year-old Administration initiative to share power.
Third, it might make some specific Administration initiatives more palatable to opponents in Congress.