Meanwhile, Peter Jennings, the ABC anchor, worried about fairness, too.
"I can't imagine anyone celebrating the new year without some sense of commemoration as well as challenge," said Peter Jennings, the ABC anchor.
As of March 7, 2006, Woodruff's brother reported that the ABC anchor was beginning to walk, recognize friends and family, and speak in several languages.
Peter Jennings, the ABC anchor, has been doing his share of sitting in the lobby of his West Side building.
Peter Jennings, the ABC anchor, says he is resigned to being used for certain promotional purposes but draws the line at letting anyone get at his family.
As in Peter, her ex-husband and the ABC anchor?
As the ABC anchor, Charles Gibson, put it a few long seconds after the liftoff, "The nervous time has been taken care of."
The ABC anchors and reporters were jittery when they learned that Disney had gobbled their network.
His words suggested a naïveté that is rarely associated with the cerebral, urbane ABC anchor.
The ABC anchor wouldn't say; technically, the New Hampshire polls were still open.