He translated from the Latin a devotional work under the title "A Journal of Meditations for every day of the year" (London, 1687).
Founder and editor of Micromegas, A Journal of Poetry in Translation (1965-75).
The first issue appeared in October 1920, under the banner, The Beaver, A Journal of Progress - the "successful name" in a staff competition.
We discussed Robinson Crusoe and A Journal of the Plague Year.
The magazine labels itself as "A Journal from America's Heartland."
Harper's Weekly (A Journal of Civilization) was an American political magazine based in New York.
The Unionist newspaper's goals are stated in its first edition as "A Journal devoted to the maintenance of the Union in the three kingdoms."
The Fleuron, A Journal of Typography.
Touchstone, A Journal of Mere Christianity.
Magicol, A Journal of Magic History and Collectibles No. 180 (2011): 24-43.