He will enjoy some protection from this feeling in his residential environment, which is likely to be an athletic domitory.
Homeowners should not encounter creosote-treated wood in the residential environment.
Since the 1970s, research into social networks has focused primarily on the types of ties developed within residential environments.
With goals so limited, one should not expect a revolution in residential environments to emerge from current British research.
The goal is to create a residential environment based on sustainable resource usage.
People are putting in more hours at work, so why shouldn't the workplace resemble the residential environment?
The lack of pedestrians and auto traffic didn't make for a very inviting residential environment.
"A quiet residential environment of two acres plus and no congestion, it's a place where people have a great attachment to their community," he said.
"Like Larchmont, we want to create a nice, quiet residential environment for our community," he said.
St Andrews offers an attractive working and residential environment.