From these systematic analyses, mitigation measures - or actions taken to reduce the risk - are developed.
One of the mitigation measures was this walking and cycling track.
The statement concluded that no mitigation measures were needed for the project because it "would not cause any significant adverse environmental impacts."
Several mitigation measures are needed to reduce the potential for contamination of drinking water.
Additional mitigation measures may be needed following the completion of this process.
Final approval in 1981 of the freeway's alignment was contingent on these mitigation measures.
"What we do object to is the university taking steps to grow without having mitigation measures in place to counter the impacts."
Just think, this might be what is needed by Bangladesh to implement minimal mitigation measures.
As concerns funding for mitigation measures in developing countries, the Council has adopted a clear position.
However, we must know at least approximately what sort of mitigation measures third countries are planning to implement.