Its teachers average salary is $22,621 a year, lower than those in 43 other states.
The average salary here is now about $40 a month, down from $100 in 1997.
Our average salary is over 25 percent higher than you reported.
The average salary was about $47 per month in 2004.
The average salary for a teacher in 2003 was $45,771.
Do we really need 140000 police on an average salary of £33000 a year?
This is nearly four times the average salary for such a position.
The players' average salary for the 1995 season came to $1,110,766.
The average salary for teachers in the district is about $24,000.
He said that the average salary of a teacher in the 11 schools was $29,854.
The average wage is said to be about $25.00 a month.
Not bad for a town where the average wage is $5,000.
Those people, whose average wage is about $60 a month, are almost certain never to see their money.
They want the average wage to increase from $18.58 an hour to $26.
The average wage of $254,000 comes out to more than $3,000 per game.
Average wages at the time were about 50p per hour.
At this time the average wage was $200 for a man.
They make just $22,030, less than half the average wage.
Union leaders said the average wage now for workers was about $31 a week.
The average wage for a local member is about $25,000 a year.