The fish count of Chinook salmon in 1987 was 14.
A fall run of Chinook salmon occurs on the river.
They return to the same waters every year and mainly eat Chinook salmon.
The river has good runs of steelhead and fall Chinook salmon.
These deaths can be attributed to declines in Chinook salmon.
Recent efforts have brought back Chinook salmon and steelhead runs to the stream.
The production goal is to raise and release up to 600,000 juvenile spring Chinook salmon annually.
Some of the Chinook salmon, which may have been at sea for three years or more, weigh in at 45 pounds.
Native fish populations, including Chinook salmon during spawning season, thrive in both the river and the lake.
The creek supports native populations of winter steelhead and has the potential to support spring Chinook salmon.