What Did the Opportunity Rover Teach Us?

Kategorie: Wissen und Wissenschaft
Kanal: BrainStuff
Datum: 19. Februar 2019, 2:34
Stufe: B1-B2 (Mittelstufe)

Note: 0 (Anzahl der Bewertungen: 0)

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After 15 years, NASA has officially ended the mission of the Mars rover Opportunity. Learn what the little-robot-that-could helped us discover about the planet (and interplanetary missions) in this episode of BrainStuff.Learn more about advertising on the HowStuffWorks podcasts at www.howstuffworks.com/advertisers.htmAnd to learn about your ad choices when listening to podcasts, visit https://www.howstuffworks.com/privacy.htm#ad-choices