Why Do We Feel Hungry When We're Not?

Kategorie: Wissen und Wissenschaft
Kanal: BrainStuff
Datum: 2. Juli 2018, 21:00
Stufe: B1-B2 (Mittelstufe)

Note: 0 (Anzahl der Bewertungen: 0)

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Feeling hungry doesn't just happen when our bodies need calories (lots of things, from boredom to advertisements, can trigger hunger) and there's no one way that we feel hunger to begin with. Learn why in this episode of BrainStuff.Learn more about advertising on the HowStuffWorks podcasts at www.howstuffworks.com/advertisers.htmAnd to learn about your ad choices when listening to podcasts, visit https://www.howstuffworks.com/privacy.htm#ad-choices