
The power of sign language in 'Dune.' The words we use for dad. Chee

Kategorie: Englisch Lernen
Kanal: Grammar Girl's Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing
Datum: 11. Juni 2024, 11:00
Stufe: C1-C2 (Fortgeschrittene)

Note: 0 (Anzahl der Bewertungen: 0)

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993. This week, we cover the strategic use of sign language by the Bene Gesserit in the 'Dune' movies, including its importance in covert communication. Then, we look at the many words for 'father' and their historical and linguistic significance, from early baby talk to more formal terms for adults.

Dune sign language supercut video: https://youtu.be/P912zjkVSgQ?si=vH8AN3kg_hw7cabq

Stan Freberg "Purfuit of Happineff" video: https://youtu.be/iOOQfGWt8Hc?si=pFF1YwbJWy-tVPwY&t=123

The "Dune" segment was written by Gemma King. Senior Lecturer in French Studies, ARC DECRA Fellow in Screen Studies at the Australian National University. It originally appeared on "The Conversation" and appears here through a Creative Commons license.

The father segment was written by Valerie Fridland, a professor of linguistics at the University of Nevada in Reno and the author of "Like, Literally, Dude: Arguing for the Good in Bad English." A version of the piece originally appeared on Psychology Today, and you can find her at valeriefridland.com.

| Edited transcript with links: https://grammar-girl.simplecast.com/episodes/hotdog/transcript

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