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Grammar Girl's Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing
6. Juni 2024, 11:00
C1-C2 (Fortgeschrittene)
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994. What began as a simple word game in 1913 sparked a nationwide craze just a decade later, causing a moral panic and changing American publishing forever. This week, Ben Zimmer, a prolific crossword constructor and language commentator, takes us through the crossword puzzle's surprising early history and enduring legacy. He also explores the modern crossword scene, including competitions, digital tools, and how new puzzle constructors are shaping the future of the game.
Links mentioned in the show:
* Wall Street Journal piece on the centennial of the crossword craze: https://on.wsj.com/3U3zMPk
* Crossword Craze: https://crosswordcraze.today/
* Daily Crossword Links: https://dailycrosswordlinks.com/
* Slate crosswords: https://slate.com/crossword
| Edited transcript with links: https://grammar-girl.simplecast.com/episodes/videen/transcript
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| HOST: Mignon Fogarty
| VOICEMAIL: 833-214-GIRL (833-214-4475) or https://sayhi.chat/grammargirl
| Grammar Girl is part of the Quick and Dirty Tips podcast network.
| Theme music by Catherine Rannus.
| Grammar Girl Social Media Links: YouTube. TikTok. Facebook. Instagram. LinkedIn. Mastodon.
References for the Aging segment
van Boxtel, W, Lawyer, L. Sentence comprehension in ageing and Alzheimer's disease. Lang Linguist Compass. 2021;e12430.
Payne, B. R., Gao, X., Noh, S. R., Anderson, C. J., & Stine-Morrow, E. A. (2012). The effects of print exposure on sentence processing and memory in older adults: Evidence for efficiency and reserve. Aging, Neuropsychology and Cognition, 19(1–2), 122–149.