
124 - Asking for Clarification in a Business Meeting

Kategorie: Englisch Lernen
Kanal: English as a Second Language Podcast
Datum: 28. Januar 2006, 3:00
Stufe: B1-B2 (Mittelstufe)

Note: 0 (Anzahl der Bewertungen: 0)

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Learn how to ask for clarification in English in this podcast.

Slow dialog: 0:54 Explanations: 2:29 Fast dialog: 12:46

I was negotiating a contract with a new business partner, and we had a meeting to clarify the terms.

Bill: If I understand the terms correctly, the length of the contract would be one year with a one-year option. Is that correct?

Ms. Samuels: Do you mean the contract for equipment rental or the one for training?

Bill: I was under the impression that both contracts had the same terms.

Ms. Samuels: Yes and no. Let me see if I can clarify that. The terms are the same except that the contract for training has a clause that allows for the cancellation after the first six months.

Bill: Could you elaborate on that?

Ms. Samuels: Sure. What I mean is that either side could cancel the training contract after the six months as long as it’s in writing.

Bill: Let me see if I have that right. This contract is for six months of training, but if it isn’t cancelled, continues for another six months. Is that right?

Ms. Samuels: Yes, that’s right.

Bill: Okay, that’s clear enough. Let’s move on to the other terms . . .

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse