
What Is an Oligarchy (and Are We One)?

Hinzugefügt: 13. Juni 2019

An oligarchy is a society ruled by a few wealthy, powerful people – the media has applied the term to countries from Saudi Arabia to Brazil to the United States. Learn about oligarchies and whether...

What Are Honey Badgers Really Like?

Hinzugefügt: 11. Juni 2019

The honey badger is internet famous, but it’s actually a fairly mysterious creature. Learn what we know (and don’t know) about honey badgers in this episode of BrainStuff. Learn more about your...

What Are Honey Badgers Really Like?

Hinzugefügt: 11. Juni 2019

The honey badger is internet famous, but it’s actually a fairly mysterious creature. Learn what we know (and don’t know) about honey badgers in this episode of BrainStuff. Learn more about your...

How Does NASA Schedule Space Launches?

Hinzugefügt: 10. Juni 2019

To launch a spacecraft successfully, the stars (and moon, and planets) must literally align. Learn about all the factors that are taken into account to schedule a space launch in this episode of...

How Does NASA Schedule Space Launches?

Hinzugefügt: 10. Juni 2019

To launch a spacecraft successfully, the stars (and moon, and planets) must literally align. Learn about all the factors that are taken into account to schedule a space launch in this episode of...

Why Should You Bring Ear Plugs to Music Festivals?

Hinzugefügt: 7. Juni 2019

Of all the accessories you might think of bringing to a music festival, ear plugs might not be high on your list. Learn why they should be -- and how else you can prevent hearing damage -- in this...

Why Should You Bring Ear Plugs to Music Festivals?

Hinzugefügt: 7. Juni 2019

Of all the accessories you might think of bringing to a music festival, ear plugs might not be high on your list. Learn why they should be -- and how else you can prevent hearing damage -- in this...

Could the Great Depression Happen Again?

Hinzugefügt: 6. Juni 2019

There were many factors that led to the depth and length of the Great Depression, but some of these mistakes are being repeated today. Learn what historians and economists are saying we should...

Could the Great Depression Happen Again?

Hinzugefügt: 6. Juni 2019

There were many factors that led to the depth and length of the Great Depression, but some of these mistakes are being repeated today. Learn what historians and economists are saying we should...

How Did Clickers Save Lives on D-Day?

Hinzugefügt: 5. Juni 2019

Tiny, handheld boxes that make a sharp clicking noise saved countless American lives during the confusion of D-Day in WWII. Learn how they were used and what to do if you have one in this episode...

How Did Clickers Save Lives on D-Day?

Hinzugefügt: 5. Juni 2019

Tiny, handheld boxes that make a sharp clicking noise saved countless American lives during the confusion of D-Day in WWII. Learn how they were used and what to do if you have one in this episode...

Do Dogs Experience Puberty Like We Do?

Hinzugefügt: 4. Juni 2019

Dogs do indeed go through emotional changes and gain independence during puberty -- it just happens within the first couple years of their life. Learn how you can help your 'teen' pup grow up in...

Do Dogs Experience Puberty Like We Do?

Hinzugefügt: 4. Juni 2019

Dogs do indeed go through emotional changes and gain independence during puberty -- it just happens within the first couple years of their life. Learn how you can help your 'teen' pup grow up in...

Could Earthly Lava Structures Help Us Colonize Space?

Hinzugefügt: 4. Juni 2019

Tunnels made from lava flows in Hawaii and Iceland are being studied by researchers in fields from geology to astrobiology. Learn how these lava tubes could help us explore space and even find...

Could Earthly Lava Structures Help Us Colonize Space?

Hinzugefügt: 4. Juni 2019

Tunnels made from lava flows in Hawaii and Iceland are being studied by researchers in fields from geology to astrobiology. Learn how these lava tubes could help us explore space and even find...

How Bad Is Prison Food?

Hinzugefügt: 31. Mai 2019

Serving inmates low-quality food is cheap in the short term, but it can lead all kinds of health problems that prisons (and taxpayers) pay for in the long run. Learn how cheap American prison food...

How Bad Is Prison Food?

Hinzugefügt: 31. Mai 2019

Serving inmates low-quality food is cheap in the short term, but it can lead all kinds of health problems that prisons (and taxpayers) pay for in the long run. Learn how cheap American prison food...

Why Did Victorians Collect Hair?

Hinzugefügt: 30. Mai 2019

In the mid-1800s, many people saved loved ones' hair -- but the collection of Peter A. Browne went much, much further than that. Learn why he thought it had scientific merit -- and why it actually...

Why Did Victorians Collect Hair?

Hinzugefügt: 30. Mai 2019

In the mid-1800s, many people saved loved ones' hair -- but the collection of Peter A. Browne went much, much further than that. Learn why he thought it had scientific merit -- and why it actually...

Should You Be Afraid of Wolf Spiders?

Hinzugefügt: 29. Mai 2019

Short answer: Nope! Although wolf spiders may sound (and look) fearsome, they're excellent helpers around your house, getting rid of more bothersome pests. Learn about wolf spiders in this episode...