
What Is Coronavirus?

Hinzugefügt: 9. März 2020

There's a lot of (valid, understandable) fear about novel Coronavirus in the news -- it can be deadly, but you can protect yourself and your community. Learn how -- and what Coronavirus is -- in...

BrainStuff Classics: How Does Jet Lag Work?

Hinzugefügt: 8. März 2020

Our bodies are used to fairly regular patterns of sleep and wakefulness, and moving across time zones can mess that up royally. Learn why -- and what you can do to prevent it -- in this classic...

BrainStuff Classics: Can We See the Stuff Astronauts Left on the Moon?

Hinzugefügt: 7. März 2020

Astronauts have left over a hundred items on the moon's surface. Learn what telescopes are powerful enough to spot them in this classic episode of BrainStuff. Learn more about your ad-choices at...

Do Other Animals Have Blood Types Too?

Hinzugefügt: 6. März 2020

We humans have blood types that help determine what transfusions we can give and receive -- and other animals do too. Learn about cat, dog, and horse blood types, among others, in this episode of...

Why Are Legal Pads Yellow?

Hinzugefügt: 5. März 2020

Legal pads' defining characteristics all date back to the turn of the 20th century. Learn how they came about in this episode of BrainStuff. Learn more about your ad-choices at...

How Did an Enslaved Man Help Save Colonial Boston from Smallpox?

Hinzugefügt: 4. März 2020

Smallpox epidemics swept the colonies several times, but one African-American man known as Onesimus helped save Boston from the brunt of it. Learn how in this episode of BrainStuff. Learn more...

Is There a Best Time of Day for Making Decisions?

Hinzugefügt: 3. März 2020

Everyone's brain works a little differently, but research shows that there's a time of day when most of us make decisions quickly, and another when most of us make decisions accurately. Learn when...

Could Sonic the Hedgehog Survive His Own Speeds?

Hinzugefügt: 3. März 2020

Most hedgehog bodies are not meant for supersonic speeds, but most hedgehogs are not Sonic. Learn how Sonic's speed compares with other animals and how he might survive in this episode of...

BrainStuff Classics: What Would Space Do to the Human Body?

Hinzugefügt: 1. März 2020

All the times a character in science fiction has gotten tossed out an airlock got us wondering: What would really happen to the human body if it were exposed to space without a protective suit?...

BrainStuff Classics: Why Do We Get Brain Freeze?

Hinzugefügt: 29. Februar 2020

You're enjoying a delicious frozen treat, and then, suddenly, it hits: brain freeze! Learn why this short, stabbing pain occurs in today's classic episode of BrainStuff. Learn more about your...

Who Put the Baby in King Cake?

Hinzugefügt: 28. Februar 2020

King cake is a tasty part of Mardi Gras celebrations today, but the traditions behind it go way back. Learn about the history of king cake, and why many now come with a small plastic baby, in this...

Could We Turn Air Pollution Into Ink?

Hinzugefügt: 27. Februar 2020

Air pollution can carry the same compound that we use to make ink -- so why not capture that pollution and turn it into art? Learn how an innovative technology is making it possible in this episode...

What Was the First Cat in Space?

Hinzugefügt: 26. Februar 2020

You may have heard of other animals' trips into space, but France's spacefaring cat, Félicette, has been all but lost to history. Learn about her journey in this episode of BrainStuff. Learn more...

Can You Put Emoji on License Plates?

Hinzugefügt: 25. Februar 2020

Vermont is considering a bill that would allow its drivers to add emoji to license plates -- and Queensland, Australia already has that option. Learn how it works in this episode of BrainStuff....

Why Is Black History Month During February?

Hinzugefügt: 24. Februar 2020

Black History Month helps celebrate the achievements and contextualize the experiences of black people in America, past and present. Learn the history behind it in this episode of BrainStuff. Learn...

BrainStuff Classics: Is WiFi Safe?

Hinzugefügt: 23. Februar 2020

You may have heard rumors that wireless internet is a health hazard, but, spoiler alert: It's probably just fine. Learn why in this episode of BrainStuff. Learn more about your ad-choices at...

BrainStuff Classics: How Do Car Horns Work?

Hinzugefügt: 22. Februar 2020

Car horns are both important safety feature and an instrument of rage. Learn the physics behind the honk in this episode of BrainStuff. Learn more about your ad-choices at...

How Did Indigo Help Start America's Slave Trade?

Hinzugefügt: 21. Februar 2020

Crops like sugar and cotton are notoriously tied to slavery in the U.S. (and around the world), but indigo deserves infamy, too. Learn the dark history of this natural dye in today's episode of...

What's the History of the Tooth Fairy?

Hinzugefügt: 20. Februar 2020

Throughout history, different cultures have had all kinds of ceremonies surrounding the loss of a first baby tooth. Learn where the Tooth Fairy fits in in this episode of BrainStuff. Learn more...

How Do Scientists Know What's Inside Dinosaur Eggs?

Hinzugefügt: 19. Februar 2020

For dinosaur eggs to have survived until now, they must have fossilized -- which makes cracking them open to see what's inside a difficult prospect. Learn how researchers tackle it (and when they...