The area has had unsettled weather this winter and there have been two alerts since October.
The wind had gone down, but it was still cloudy, unsettled weather.
A storm system impacts the area on Saturday with unsettled weather persisting into early next week.
Heading north in a boat at this time of year, with its potentially unsettled weather, is likely to involve risk.
"After recent unsettled weather, this spell is great for families at the beginning of the school holidays."
They may also be interrupted by a period of unsettled weather - when the winds blow from anywhere at any strength!
Miraculously the unsettled weather at the time cleared and the day was sunny!
Winter had almost come, and unsettled weather made her still more dependent upon indoor resources.
I'm afraid this unsettled weather May continue for another millennium.
Perhaps a landscape is too remote or unsettled weather makes a long painting session impossible.