SAMPSUCHINE, sweet marjoram.
The original recipe was flavored with parsley, "sweet marjoram" and thyme.
"Distilled from the nectar of sweet marjoram," he mur- mured.
In a society that prides itself on change, it's a little embarrassing to consider the fate of sweet marjoram.
It is sometimes called wild marjoram, and its close relative O. majorana is known as sweet marjoram.
Clown Indeed, sir, she was the sweet marjoram of the salad, or rather, the herb of grace.
These include pennyroyal, clove, sage, thyme, bay hyssop and sweet marjoram, some of which can cause miscarriage.
In some Middle-Eastern countries, marjoram is synonymous with oregano, and there the names sweet marjoram and knotted marjoram are used to distinguish it from other plants of the genus Origanum.
Rosemary little; nor sweet marjoram.
It did not quite satisfy her, however; for her sage and sweet marjoram were dumb things, and could not thank her for her care.