Jennings finds a suspected spy in Miller's Wood and an abominable snowcat on the slopes of Mount Everest.
He spent most of the next three years chasing down suspected German spies and draft dodgers.
A Special Branch agent interviews a suspected spy.
The book claims that she was under scrutiny from as early as 1929 because of her links to a suspected spy.
Suspect Said to Delete Files A suspected spy for China tried to hide evidence he transferred nuclear secrets from a government computer system, officials said.
She was using a "gopher," a computer program that connected to different computer servers across the country, seeking information on her suspected spy, John Chan.
He was questioning a suspected German spy, and he performed a word association test on him.
Rarely has a suspected spy been under surveillance by an entire country.
There was a suspected German spy who almost murdered them.
A suspected spy was cornered in a storeroom.