So if you want to thank somebody, you can thank Celeste Sloboda for staying sane despite the way most everyone stares.
Even if it had stayed sane, it could not have divested itself of the corpse.
How had he had ever stayed sane all these years, fighting the memories, fighting whatever truth lay within his memories?
I only reahzed now what that really meant: that I'd actually mattered enough to him for him to want me staying safe and sane.
How did you manage to stay sane there?
If she had fixed on the children as a means of staying sane, she would want to bring them out too.
We've got each other and that's our best hope of staying alive and sane.
"I suppose lack of conversation is one way of staying sane," e said.
For all the media interest, Rooney has stayed remarkably sane.
If anyone could have stayed sane alone through a nearly three-year Minerva mission, Lopatin would have bet on Voroshilov.