Starting salary for Chicago police officers is $43,104, increased to $55,723 after one year and an additional increase to $58,896 after 18 months.
"If your starting salary is going to be $40,000, then you should borrow no more than $10,000 a year for a four-year degree."
The average private sector starting salary is about $80,000.
Her starting salary was $24,000, barely enough to survive in Chicago.
And the black men with college experience are being actively recruited by the corporate world, which generally offers more than the department's $31,305 starting salary.
His starting salary was $1,000,000 annually, at the time one of the five highest in the nation.
His starting salary was £400 per annum, which rose by £20 every second year until 1939.
The contract starting salary for a teacher with a master's degree is $47,034.
The main cause of the strike three years ago was management's demand for a lower starting salary and the union's resistance to the idea.
The money, he said, would go mainly to agencies with the lowest starting salary.