He was eating his usual breakfast of organic porridge, Mexican honey (made by his own bees), soya milk and cranberries.
- 3 servings from the fortified non-dairy sub-group (such as soya milk)
Q My daughter, aged three, has been on soya milk for nearly a year, after a doctor told us that her cough might be a dairy allergy.
For vegans, calcium-fortified foods such as fortified soya milk may be useful.
It offers food products, such as textured soy protein, soya flour, fruit juice, and soya milk.
Argentina used to be really difficult for vegans, so I would take my own soya milk and cereal so that at least I had breakfast.
While visiting an exhibition in the city, the founders discovered a machine that could make soya milk quickly and efficiently.
If consistency feels too thick, you can add a few drops of cold water or soya milk to make a thick dropping consistency.
To make the filling, stir together the tofu, soya milk, salt, lemon juice and rind and vanilla.
If so, give up all animal milks for a while and try soya milk instead.