The power potential from sewage works is limited.
"Am I wrong, Dad," he asked, "or did that refugee from the sewage works have the hots for you?"
At present, sewage works must ensure that effluent meets the required standards of cleanliness for 95 percent of any 12 month period.
Of greater concern was the decline in quality resulting from the increased inputs of pollutants by sewage works and industrial plants.
No new flow of sewage into the river or its tributaries was allowed and existing sewage works were to be removed.
The town's sewage works are overwhelmed, and there is increasing strain on the water supply.
The authorities must therefore police themselves, a problem the more poignant since their own sewage works are often the worst polluters.
Producing methane gas from landfill sites, sewage works and organic wastes is another extremely practical use of resources.
The river rejoins past a small sewage works and the navigation is now wider, not that the canal section was undersized.
Without sewage works or bin collectors, we would drown in our waste within days.