The agency intensified the already increased security measures it put into place last year, but no problems were reported.
Even with these security measures a determined burglar can break into your home if he has enough time and privacy.
But with the security measures you've taken, I doubt you'll have any problems.
The hospital would not say what security measures it had taken to keep the baby from being taken.
As a social security measure the family members of the deceased employee is given an assistance of Rs.10,000/- under this scheme.
But I've already been able to bypass the security measures it implements.
Murray admits he knows the dean is being held below the cafeteria and continues to explain the security measures Chang has put in place.
Even after taking many security measures the relationship kept on growing between Chela and Chintu.
In a tense atmosphere, protesters called the security measures extreme yesterday.
Anyone stopping and wandering into the building would never notice the advanced security measures the building featured.