Fingerprint actually request that you supply a copy of your System, screen fonts and Aldus Prep to try to reduce the difficulties.
Secondly, be prepared to experiment with other typeface libraries so long as the format they produce has compatible printer and screen fonts.
The user can select any screen font he or she prefers and can enter copy in almost any fashion.
That single screen font and size are what you see even if your software and printer are capable of producing exotic fonts in big sizes.
Mac Type 1 fonts come with screen fonts set to display at certain point sizes only.
Both programs display much of their text in screen fonts that are particularly irritating to read, and only rarely do they let you print it out.
The PPC-400 was remarkable for its elegant and clear screen fonts.
However, a major bug involving text spacing of screen fonts was found in 6.0.1 after distribution began.
New code always has bugs, and Y2K repairs have sometimes interfered with other computer functions: for example, temporarily disabling some screen fonts.
The eye must interpolate and smooth the jaggedness of the screen font, a task that decreases both reading speed and comprehension.