One study found Wal-Mart's entry into a new market has a profound impact on its retail competition.
However, it is possible to have a single electricity generation company and still have retail competition.
In the main, experience in the introduction of wholesale and retail competition has been mixed.
This trend increased in the 1960s as shopping centres brought more retail competition into the suburbs.
The California proposal is the most advanced effort by a state so far to bring about such retail competition.
Electricity has remained the exclusive domain of wholesale power companies with virtually no retail competition for the customers' money.
To date, two provinces (Alberta and Ontario) have initiated retail competition.
First, they must accept the fact that retail competition for small consumers simply isn't going to happen, at least not on terms beneficial to consumers.
Beyond vested interest, close family relationships, mutual respect, open communications, what is the Mom and Pop stores' best weapon against the national retail competition?
The company avoids large cities because of their high real estate prices and fierce retail competition.