In the kitchen you'll find old 78 records drying on the plate rack, a juke box and a chair in the shape of a sheep.
On either side on top of the canopy is a handy plate warming rack.
Unwin particularly remarked that the plate rack would not appear out of place in close juxtaposition with the bookshelves.
The water then flows downward through the inlet chamber in the center of the unit and enters the plate rack through side-entry plate slots.
Everyday plates can be stored upright in a wooden plate rack above the dishwasher or by the sink.
The fireplace/stove, cabinet, and plate rack found within this room faithfully portray the original cottage furnishings.
The table was on the left and had a plate rack fixed above it.
In the kitchen, they couldn't afford cabinets overhead, but at a flea market in the Hamptons they found a large plate rack that holds their dishes.
There is a plate rack above the stove, as there would be in a restaurant kitchen, stacked with plates.
It was a double sink and there was a splendid plate rack above it.