Instead, they tend to focus on formal job descriptions, as these are key to performance appraisals.
A formal system of performance appraisal was introduced in late 1985: its first full run is due to take place in May 1986.
Maintaining an effective working relationship with older workers means focusing on training, career planning and performance appraisal.
Provide opportunities for discussing problems relating to attendance in performance appraisals.
Most companies, however, aren't likely to scrap their performance appraisal plans soon.
However, performance appraisals will be referred to selecting officials for consideration in the final selection process.
Do I need my most recent performance appraisal?
What if I don't have a recent performance appraisal?
It may focus on a specific work place incident, or may be the result of a performance appraisal.
Grote's work in the evolution of performance appraisal was listed at number 19.