In that case, he's a pen pusher I countered.
What happens in education is that the ambitious get themselves promoted out of the classroom and end up as pen pushers too removed from the process.
Take the money away from the pen pushers and busy bodies and employ more science teachers.
Get rid of public sector fat, with all those pen pushers, bloated back offices, diversity officers, winterval co-ordinators etc.
"Make sure he understands you," the pen pusher said.
Supporting perked up pen pushers isn't.
"Half of them are from the pen pushers who like to dream and to think and throw out these possibilities," he said.
Who'd want to live out here for the sake of some government, some army brass, a bunch of pen pushers?
Harry Strang was one of the few pen pushers who could legitimately claim to have been an agent.
As a pen pusher and landlubber, he is as much of an outsider as the reader.