The President sat beside the alien looking like a man who has just gotten a pink slip in his pay envelope.
For others, the romance, such as it is, lies in their pay envelopes.
And at the end of each job, the chances are one of them will remember to take the pay envelope.
In this week's pay envelope he sent a note to his 300 workers, warning: "The eyes of the world are now on us."
One box contained pay envelopes, with names typed on them.
Korza went out, to make room for another waiter who was coming to receive an ordinary pay envelope.
And neither will Wisconsky, after he finds an extra ten in his pay envelope.
You can pick up your final pay envelope on Friday.
One week he was late givin me my pay envelope and I went downstairs to his office.
It puts extra money in the pay envelopes of low-wage workers.