Enterbrain is based in Tokyo, Japan with a paid-in capital of 410 million yen.
Due to a corporate equity adjustment during 1982, $39,000 of this benefit has been credited to additional paid-in capital and $11,000 as an extraordinary item.
However, it also includes retained earnings and additional paid-in capital.
The Bank's member governments are shareholders which contribute paid-in capital and have the right to vote on its matters.
Additional paid-in capital is shown in the Shareholders' Equity section of the balance sheet.
Most big fund companies consider redemption fees to be additional money in the fund, or paid-in capital.
In February 2004, the third-party paid-in capital increased another 271,428 shares.
Pure, tax-free paid-in capital to add to your balance sheet.
The registered capital of the company the share of the paid-in capital.
It is a corporation whose shareholders are member governments which provide paid-in capital and which have the right to vote on its matters.