The total annual pay bill, according to the commission, was £29bn (including pensions contributions and overtime payments).
Another provision would allow businesses to reduce overtime payments to virtually all qualifying employees.
Many employers expect employees to be reasonable in finishing a task without demanding overtime payment.
He had considered bringing at least another four in a second car, but Mullett's dire threats about overtime payments decided him against it.
The overtime payments were handed out without complying with city directives, the report says.
Mr. Hill approved those overtime payments even though that local was already more than $5 million in debt.
The union agreed to defer $62 million in overtime payments over three years if the county halted all layoffs during the same period.
"Some talk of the men not getting their overtime payments for last month, Frost."
Why should an employer have to bribe workers with generous overtime payments?
The dispute was about wage rates and overtime payments.