The commissioner's office supplied it, and the game was not played at Fenway Park.
A large empty commercial space on the Upper West Side of Manhattan will soon get a new tenant: Staples, the office supplies store.
Churchill offered Money flattering encouragement, while his office supplied him with various statistics (making clear, however, that such data were already available in published documents).
The office will supply information about hotels but will not make reservations.
He said the Medical Examiner's office would supply public health officials with the names of the people to be notified.
Mr. McCall's office could not immediately supply comparable figures.
If a guest suffers from electronics deprivation, the front office can supply a cellular phone, free of charge except for the air time.
He received the merchandise, and his office supplied both ships and fuel for the so-called salvage crews.
If you want to play upstairs, the office can supply chips.
The mayor's office supports their work and supplies the material conditions for them.