But in those cases the victims, or their near relatives, were still alive.
For "pen Parkuthal" only the near relatives of the groom see the bride.
Unlike many of her near relatives, Tontine made no impact as a broodmare.
"Hasn't Sooty any near relatives as most birds have?"
Although he has his near relatives, they are not equal to my virtuous men.
She took a course to become a medical assistant and had hoped to move south to be near relatives in North Carolina.
Yet among his near relatives there was no one whom he thought it so necessary to have at these last nuptial ceremonies.
Several of Eadbald's near relatives were involved in diplomatic marriages.
She'd slipped earlier, too, when she'd suggested by inference that she had no near relatives.
It was just a case of a woman with no near relatives and no one to look after her in the domestic line.