This Judy is a name dropper, and she can be cruel.
Still, in the New York of the 1980's, it seemed plausible to the victims that a 23-year-old name dropper could make them rich.
And though Mr. Villas is a bit of a name dropper, he readily attributes his recipes to their original sources, which is refreshing.
They can easily become workaholics, name droppers, gossips and braggarts.
William Logan, a critical rectitudinarian, called Seidel a "name dropper" whose books trade in "jet-set tastes and upmarket sinning."
Judd had never been a name dropper,'but the @,@',']eamment irked him, so he said, "Actually we've 6een seeing Duncan Hartigan."
But price droppers, like name droppers, aren't interested in offering financial insight.
He was a blowhard and a name dropper, two traits which I find especially unlikeable.
One can't talk about the station without sounding like a name dropper.
Only the Scowcroft-Bush treatise, which will interest foreign policy wonks and name droppers.