MSI research introduced key concepts such as market orientation and marketing capabilities.
When it came aboard, Comart had no direct marketing capability.
"It's not a major sea change in marketing capabilities," he said, "but it seems to indicate a willingness to experiment with new channels of distribution."
Graphic Systems did not have the marketing capability to dominate the phototypesetting business.
I want to increase the company's marketing capabilities in the United States and step up our sales there.
Typically, locally based businesses are unable to compete because they lack the capital, global marketing capabilities, purchasing power and expensive technology necessary to operate efficiently.
'This system has been developed with the marketing capability as a fundamental principle.'
Mike Troiano joined the partnership in August 2009 as the executive to lead the development of the agency's digital marketing capabilities.
It is considered to be the most popular option to companies, to develop their own international marketing capability.
A small biotechnology company might have a new drug but no sales or marketing capability.