British shoppers buying wine concentrated on low-end products, most of them in the $2 to $5 category.
In everything but the very low-end products, you'll also get handset speakerphones.
"If we stuck to the low-end products, we won't make profits."
If Ives' low-end products were higher quality than its competitors, it benefited its customers, not the company.
Sun is also expected to introduce low-end products later this year, though not based on Viking.
That ambivalence certainly applies to the thousands of small companies making the low-end products.
In developing countries, some low-end products may be considered high-end or even luxury items.
Dictaphone let many of these employees go, figuring that independent dealers could sell their low-end products.
Among these low-end products are successors to the Microvax 2 and Vaxstation 2000.
On the other hand, Rolm has reportedly been improving since the introduction of new, low-end products last year.