In the waiting room, patients got plastic identification bracelets and sat down to wait and look one another over.
Linden wakes up in a hospital bed with an identification bracelet on her wrist.
They exchanged identification bracelets (she didn't take hers off for a year).
All the babies, he said, had identification bracelets on, so that their mothers would presumably be reunited with them.
Earthmen would mistake it for an identification bracelet or something like that.
The baby had a plastic identification bracelet around her ankle that linked her to the hospital.
They say someone, for reasons not clear, must have exchanged their daughter's identification bracelet for that of another baby.
Still, it was strange to see an identification bracelet like that with only a first name and a number.
Even this identification bracelet that has been put on me seems to be of plastic.
Clearly," he said to Spock, "the computer is in contact with every citizen by means of his or her identification bracelet.