I have been to my pretty ward's, and am now homeward bound again.
The record was complete, the mission ended; he was homeward bound !
Holmes and I put on our dress-clothes, so that we might appear to be two theatre-goers homeward bound.
The streets are steep and narrow; the houses lean toward one another like drunkards homeward bound.
She was still plodding forward, step after step, doggedly homeward bound.
Was she homeward bound, she should be under topgallants and studdingsails too, for all it is Sunday afternoon.
At least, Lord Auckland did not mention any, except that they were homeward bound.
All these trappings had purposely been dulled, so they would pass as the theatrical properties homeward bound.
And afterward, a voyage on a warship-What songs of victory we will sing, homeward bound!
They would drink for both and we, homeward bound after this was done, would pray for both.