The first 1,435.75 euros of an employees gross salaries are not subject to the 4.55% contribution.
For example, John, a married 44-year old who has two children, earned a gross salary of $100,000 in 2007.
There's a lot more to it than just comparing gross salaries.
For their services to the state, the president is allotted a yearly gross salary of ₴ 283,884 ($37,470, 2005).
Okay, so what we're saying, we've now arrived at this person's gross salary.
My wife is a teacher, and pays (about) 6.5% from her gross salary every month.
The employee contribution to the system is 8% of the gross salary.
For people without children, already at least 23, the nursing care rate rise up to 2.2% of the gross salary.
But the national average is already close to 13 percent of gross salary, with employers and employees each paying half.
Furthermore, a soldier's gross salary was subject to deductions for food and equipment.