However, it's always possible to find an exchange office open.
There are also a small number of officially sanctioned private exchange offices.
The other advantage is that whereas banks usually close for the day at 12.30pm or 2pm, the exchange offices are often open until 7pm.
The main advantage of exchange offices is the longer hours they keep, but watch for high commissions and inferior rates.
The exchange office was originally equipped to handle 400 subscribers.
When you visit the exchange office, be prepared to fill out a lengthy form and show your passport.
There were also reports that the company was planning to close 200 of its 1,200 travel agencies and foreign exchange offices.
To avoid problems, money should be changed in small amounts and only at official exchange offices.
They are advised to change money in small amounts and only at official exchange offices.
Private exchange offices have the same rates as banks, but longer hours.