However, not long after, the castle is converted to accommodate anti-fascist politicals in enforced exile.
A period of enforced exile, during which he opened an office in Beirut, undermined the financial basis of the educational centre.
That's a memory shared by Ronnie Biggs who'se living in enforced exile in Brazil.
Mr. Lagos, 51 years old, held no official position in the Allende Government and was never in enforced exile.
The vast majority of the Lebanese people support the legal and legitimate government of Gen. Michel Aoun in enforced exile in France.
He joins one-third of the population living in voluntary or enforced exile, according to the U.S. State Department.
The Gem chief was responsible for construction the numerous schools in the region before his enforced exile in 1915, to Kampala, Uganda by the British colonialists.
What place did King Peter choose for his enforced exile?
Baldwin V played host to a grateful dowager queen Emma of England, during her enforced exile, at Bruges.
The army left them there with nothing but the clothes on their backs, making no provision of any kind for their three days of enforced exile.