Like its precedents, the temple used differentiated column widths in the front, and had a higher number of columns at the back.
The column width has been increased to accommodate the longest label.
For example, if an identifier with a long name is added to a tabular layout, the column width may have to be increased to accommodate it.
"It can read the changing fonts, the different column widths, the scratches and marks, the torn pages."
The column width can be extended from the standard 80 characters to 160, but this also reduces the row limit down to 50.
(to set the column width of the RS232 device, but undocumented as the code was broken)
Forget column widths or depths, the look of the headlines - and the illustration, entirely.
One column width of Nature can accommodate 20 amino acids or 60 base pairs.
The column width and height can reach a maximum of 17.5 and 30 cm, respectively.
Designed with a narrow column width, the feature was formatted to fit on the financial pages of newspapers.