He sounded coldly polite, and Eugenia, peeling off her own gloves wondered why she should feel unhappy about that.
Five years ago she had read it a thousand times, Searching, searching for a reason, an explanation hidden in the coldly polite words.
They wished each other a coldly polite goodbye and Charity got into her car and drove home, her mind empty of plans for the future.
Her voice was coldly polite, and the smile never reached her eyes.
Mr. Wood's voice grows coldly polite when he refers to "a certain citizen."
He spoke to me, his voice and words coldly polite, his blue eyes burning brightly into mine.
The Death God's hand seemed to draw up the mist, a coldly polite gesture to make certain they left as quickly as possible.
He'd be coldly polite, very coldly, but I don't foresee disaster.
Just in case he had thought that she was making a play for him, she became at once haughty and coldly polite.
When they were introduced the big woman was coldly polite.