So the shop now offers, among other designs, a large, black clutch purse with strap, in both fake and real crocodile leather.
There were clutch purses and small cameras in leather cases.
He suddenly picked up her handbag, an imitation alligator-skin clutch purse with a small silver chain.
She carried a clutch purse in one hand and a cell phone in the other.
Six feet of creamy skin stood barefoot next to him, her heels dangling loose from one hand and a clutch purse in the other.
After a bribe of her clutch purse, the bouncer tells Robin where Ted's date lives.
The woman shoved her clutch purse under one arm and took the unconscious woman's feet.
Her gloved hands held a clutch purse that she gripped tightly.
Laura opened her clutch purse and thumbed open a roll of twenties.
She finally picks up a red 'brella and a small clutch purse from a nearby table.