Transparently encrypt entire partitions or volumes together with pre-boot authentication for encrypted boot partitions.
Extra DOS partitions could not be used as boot partitions, because the installable device drivers were loaded (in config.sys)
Could Evercookie be storing information, let's say on somewhere not part of the image, on the boot partition or on a D: drive?
The other disk-related thing that stuck out at me is the boot partition.
The system partition can be different from the boot partition, although they are often the same partition (drive C:).
This boot partition is normally hidden from the Windows Vista/7 user.
The configuration file can include data such as boot partition and kernel pathname for each, as well as customized options if needed.
The version for Windows 7, Windows Vista, or Windows XP can encrypt the boot partition or entire boot drive.
Linux you can encrypt non boot partitions and usb cards / flash cards or hidden encrypted containers.
A small, generally ext3 or FAT-formatted, partition on a local disk (a boot partition)